Relationships in 1984

Relationships in 1984

Winston’s relationships with the people around him, (his neighbors, coworkers, etc.), are similar to relationships in other dystopian novels and films that I’ve seen, but unique in that he doesn’t share any real part of himself with anyone. In most dystopias, characters bond over a shared need to survive, and while they typically experience some plot of betrayal within their group, they generally find it necessary to work together with other characters. I find it interesting that in 1984, Winston is completely alone. Even when he finds other characters who are “on his side”, he can’t even make eye contact with them for too long without risking his life. The world of 1984 initially seems similar to that of The Hunger Games, where characters have to work by themselves to try and “win” life, but in The Hunger Games, the only way Katniss wins is by forming alliances and relationships with other contestants. While there is still an element of distrust in relationships in The Hunger Games Katniss is still able to form them, whereas if Winston forms any real relationship it almost guarantees his death. There is no chance of him recovering from the betrayal of a friend. 

Do you think Winston will eventually share his real thoughts with any other character? If not, do you believe he can still survive in the world of 1984?


  1. The difference between other dystopian novels and 1984 is that characters typically need to survive from other circumstances but in 1984, in order to survive they (or Winston, at least) can't share their real self. I think Winston will share his real thoughts with someone who comes to be an ally, but that's also because I'm used to people forming allies in books. I guess we'll just have to see!

    1. That's interesting in connection to the comparison with Hunger Games. Katniss has to fake a relationship to survive, which is almost the reverse of 1984.

  2. *chanting* o'brien o'brien o'brien

  3. He's got to be able to share his thoughts at some point, right, otherwise this entire book would just be him complaining and ruminating on how much life sucks under Big Brother... but it's difficult to know how, since he's able to be watched and listened to at literally any hour of the day. I'll be interested to see how it plays out.


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