Universal Utopias
Part of the reason the world of 1984 is so messed up, is because someone tried to create a utopia. We started the semester by defining utopia and dystopia, and discussing whether utopias are even possible. Most of the class agreed that no, a utopia in the way we normally picture it, is not possible, because everyone’s idea of a utopia is unique and involves the people around them. The world of 1984 is so messed up and different from our society because the original creators of the party wanted to create their utopia, which included total power and control, and it ruined the lives of everyone around them. I think we as a society tend to always look for ways to improve the world we live in, which is a good and necessary thing, because our world could definitely be improved upon, but I think sometimes we get caught up in that improval and don’t always think through how a decision that might make my life better, could hurt someone else. I have found that when I make an active effort ...